Which Engineers are in demand in the UK?

2 min read
May 15, 2023 3:53:00 PM

The UK is currently experiencing a shortage of skilled engineers. But just which types of engineers are in demand and what kinds of skills do they need?

Demand for Engineers

Engineers are already in high demand across the UK and it’s expected to continue growing over the next few years.

The number of jobs available in this sector has increased by around 18% over the last 5 years, which means that there are plenty of opportunities out there if you’re looking for a new career path!

Types of engineers needed in the UK

There are many different types of engineers needed in the UK, including mechanical engineering and electrical and electronic engineering. Civil engineers are also in high demand as they are required to build roads and bridges.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and electronic engineers design, develop and test electrical equipment such as motors, generators, batteries, heating systems and lighting for use in factories and homes. They also design telecommunications equipment such as mobile phones and televisions.

Electrical engineers work across many different sectors of industry including aerospace; automotive; chemicals; defence; energy generation/distribution; food processing; healthcare (including pharmaceuticals); international development projects; manufacturing – both low volume specialist products or mass-produced goods using advanced automation techniques such as robotics or computer numerically controlled tools (CNC).

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineers design, develop, manufacture and test mechanical devices. They can work on everything from cars to trains and ships.

Mechanical engineers are needed in many industries including aerospace, automotive, construction equipment and manufacturing.

Engineers in Demand

Civil Engineering

Civil engineers are involved in all types of construction projects, from building bridges and roads to designing flood prevention schemes. They also work on environmental protection projects such as improving water quality and preventing pollution from landfills.

Civil engineers may be responsible for the design and construction of buildings, bridges, roads and railways. They might also be involved in developing new technologies for use in civil engineering projects such as dams or tunnels.


In conclusion, there are many different types of engineers needed in the UK. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t need to be an expert in all areas of engineering. If you have experience in one or two fields then this will be enough for employers who are looking for someone with general knowledge about how things work and how they can be improved upon by using new technology.

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